
It’s the beginning of Spring in Eastern North Carolina.  Every day there is a minute more of day light, and every morning I see a touch more green out my window.  It’s slow, it’s subtle and yet over time its profound.  It gradually builds till we have long stretches of glorious daylight, and a feast of color set forth before our eyes.

I’ve been thinking a lot about the transitioning of seasons and nature, and us as humans😊.  We don’t always see our own personal growth, or our progress, as like the seasons it tends to creep in over long stretches of time.

It’s a busy time to be on this planet, everything and everyone seems to be moving so fast, and we yearn for transformation and we want it NOW.  But like the seasons, it takes time, vision and patience. As many of you know, I recently had a reaction to hair color which led me to strip my beloved black and red color out of my hair.  Yes, the transition from one color to a lighter shade took only a day, but it will probably be 12+ months till my hair is all grown out and one color, so I am forced to wait patiently for the transformation and accept the unfolding and awkwardness.  The process of growing hair out, is not one I can rush, and acceptance is key.

Look back five years, how has your life evolved or changed?  Can you see the personal growth, the decisions that may have led you down a different path, the people who may have left and entered your life over the last 5 years?  I find the best way to be a witness to your transformation/transitioning is to go back in time to see where the road of life and decisions you have made have led you.  Look at this passage of time objectively and with self compassion.  If you do not see the growth you had hoped or longed for, give that inner child a hug, wrap your arms around your body and love the inner you, the one that may want to grow but is afraid of the unknown or what that may look like.  Fear (Future Events Appearing Real) can keep us stuck, as well as the solace of the familiar.  Staying in the comfort of what we know is what we typically gravitate towards as we all want to be safe.  If you do see growth, then lean into that growth, and see if you can open up even more.

Remember like the season’s true growth, true transformation is subtle and slow.  It builds into a crescendo over time.  Like a stone thrown into a river that ripples out.  Cast a vision, wish or dream onto a piece of paper, write it on a mirror so you see it daily or post it as a screen saver and begin to IMAGINE what that wish or dream would FEEL like. By visualizing the details of what you desire on an ongoing basis, you send that energy outward into the universe/world.  Try doing that daily or weekly and see what unfolds. This is the equivalent of a new bud appearing on a tree in Spring.

May this March be the building of a beautiful foundation for your wishes, dreams and desires.  Remember The transformation process is not an easy one, but anything worth anything never is.


The Awakening……


February - The Month of Self Love